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My artwork is a reflection of the invaluable teachings I have received from many skillful and dedicated teachers and masters throughout my artistic journey. Each piece I create is a rendition of the techniques, insights, and inspirations imparted to me by these remarkable mentors.

I owe a profound debt of gratitude to my teachers, whose guidance has been instrumental in shaping my artistic vision and refining my skills. Their expertise and passion for the craft have deeply influenced my work and still do, allowing me to explore new dimensions of creativity and expression.

Teachers & Masters


Teachers at the School of Traditional Arts, especially the following artists and geometers:


Tom Bree

Lisa Delong

Alan Adams

Ameet Hindocha

Katya Nosyreva

Gillian Turnham




Master of Tezhip Art (Illumination)


Cornelis Le Mair

Master of traditional oil painting





Master Craftsmen &


"I am deeply indebted to the original pattern creators in Islamic geometric art, whose innovative designs have inspired and shaped my artistic journey. These master craftsmen of history not only developed intricate patterns but also infused them with profound symbolic meaning and spiritual significance. Their geometric compositions, spanning centuries and cultures, reflect a deep understanding of mathematics and a reverence for the cosmic order.

Studying their works has allowed me to delve into a rich historical tapestry where art and mathematics intertwine harmoniously. Each pattern tells a story of cultural exchange, innovation, and meticulous craftsmanship, offering timeless lessons in symmetry, proportion, and aesthetic beauty. By honoring and drawing inspiration from these artistic pioneers, I aim to pay homage to their enduring legacy while exploring new creative possibilities in my own work."

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